Make the entrance areas of commercial buildings safer with Spectrum’s gripfit® matting

Spectrum gripfit® is a unique entrance matting solution for retro-fit applications because it is surface-mounted. It is designed for rapid installation with no adhesive and no visible fixings.

It provides extra safety for foot traffic in entrance areas especially in wet weather conditions and where entrance matting is currently not part of the flooring.

The gripfit® matting solution is suitable for use in high traffic locations such as public buildings, commercial offices, travel termini etc. can manage all wheeled traffic including trolleys and forklifts.

Watch this short video to learn more about the product and its benefits:

Spectrum gripfit® is easy to install and the matting can quickly be replaced if it has worn out. Watch the installation guide to see how easy it is.

Spectrum gripfit® matting conforms to AS 1428.1 clause 7.4.1